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Movie Logging App
A dead-simple iOS app I'm working on wherein you can log & rate the movies you've watched.
I use Letterboxd quite a bit with my friends to keep track of all the movies I watch, and it's actually pretty fun. With that said, the Letterboxd interface doesn't quite feel like it's living in 2020, so I tried to imagine what my ideal movie-rating iOS app would look like, and came up with this. This project is still very much a work-in-progress, but it's something I'd like to build someday.
Visual Design
I really appreciate how minimal this app feels. With only three tabs at the bottom of the screen denoted by icons, it doesn't feel like there's too much to get lost in. The tiny friend thumbnails are a non-intrusive way of giving the user some useful information: look at all my friends who also liked this movie. There are still quite a few things I need to iron-out before I start building this (friend-add flow, search screens, and some other microinteractions), but this project is slowly getting to a place I'm very happy with.